We have a varied programme of exhibitions, events and activities for all the family.

Community Cases

What will be in the case for 2025?

Throughout 2025

We are looking to get the community involved in the exhibitions and displays in 2025.

Are you part of a community group or local school? Do you want to showcase your groups work, awards or anniversaries? Has your Scouting or Guiding Unit done some amazing badge work?

Then contact the Museum and see how you can be involved in the Museum’s programme for 2025!



Upcoming Events held at Rustington Museum 

Talks are every 3rd Wednesday of the month (unless otherwise stated).

The Unseen Project: Rachel Poulton

Wednesday, 16 April 2025


Writer Photographer Educator

Writer and photographer Rachel Poulton will be talking about her Unseen project, a search for the sublime and spirit of place in Sussex’s legend landscape. Walking eight ancient sites on the key dates of nature’s calendar, Rachel recorded her experiences in words and pictures as she wandered through the changing seasons and atmospheres

Image: Artists Own.

For more details and to book tickets contact us.


Wartime and VE Day in Rustington

Wednesday, 7 May 2025,
2 – 4pm

Speaker: Graeme Taylor

Graeme Taylor will share his extensive local historical knowledge of the Wartime effort in Rustington.

To find out more and book tickets contact us.

Image: The Rustington Home Guard pictured at the front of the Woodlands Village Memorial Hall



Talk on Folklore

Wednesday, 18 June 2025,
2 – 4pm

Speaker: Chris Hare, Director of History People UK

Sussex is a most fantastic County, full of Folklore and stories of old including the Knucker Dragon, who legend has it, lived in a pool/knuckerhole just outside of Lyminster!

To find out more and book tickets contact us.

Image: Original Sketch by Richard Snaith



FREE Family crafts at Rustington Museum

Holiday Craft Sessions


The Team are busily creating this years School Holiday Programmes and are looking forward to welcoming you to many fun and colourful times at the Museum.



All activities are SEN inclusive and a quieter space will be available.


Family Activities – now available on-line

Jigsaw Puzzles

Knightscroft Hotel

Follow the link below to discover online jigsaws based on postcards in the Museum Collection:


 Tell us your fastest times on our Facebook page!


Word Search

Famous names and homes

Search for the names of some of the famous names that lived in Rustington and the names of their homes.

Follow this link:



Colouring in

Weird History Facts Colouring Pages

Did you know that King Henry VIII had a built in toilet in his throne so that he would never miss an importnat meeting?!?

To discover more weird and wonderful Historical facts click on the link above.

We have a small, but growing, team of dedicated volunteers.

Our volunteers assist the museum staff with researching, cataloguing, stewarding, interviewing people as part of Rustington Remembers, and much more.

The volunteers are an invaluable to running the museum and making it a success.